PCS Assistance

PCS Lodging Assistance

Let us help you lighten the load on your Permant Change of Station (PCS) moves:

Part of being in the military is being on the move. Changing duty stations can be a tough process. Uncle Sam is here to help coordinate your loding needs along the way. We can work with you on per diem funded stays as you move between locations, Temporary Lodging Expenses (TLE) at your departure or new duty station or Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) as you prepare to return from an overseas tour.

Rates on these types of moves can vary more than just standar per diem, so our standard price structure probably won’t apply to PCS moves. We will work with your specific reimbursement rates to develop loding options and target 10% rebates for your PCS. Let us ease your planning burden. We’ll find the right loding options to fit your unique family’s needs and help you get settled as you move on to your new duty station.

Questions or Feedback

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